API Reference


class pyramid_uniform.State(request)[source]

A relatively simple state object for the schema being validated to use, with a reference to the request being validated.

class pyramid_uniform.Form(request, schema, method='POST', skip_csrf=False)[source]

Represents a set of fields (GET or POST parameters) to be validated using a FormEncode schema.

  • request (WebOb.Request) – The web request containing data to be validated
  • schema (FormEncode.Schema) – The schema to validate against
  • method (str) – HTTP request method that this form expects: GET or POST

Assert that this form is valid, the request method is appropriate, and the CSRF check passes (unless it is explicitly skipped).


Bind the data from this form to an object: that is, try to set attributes on the client corresponding to the keys present in the validated data. The object can be a template object, SQLAlchemy object, etc.

If any value in the data is a list or another dictionary, recurse with that key.

Private attributes, which is anything that is prefixed with _, will be skipped.

Once done, return the object.


Once the form has been validated, contains the results of that validation as a dict.

Raises FormNotValidated:
 if the form has not yet been validated

Return a list of errors for the given field.


Check if the given field has any validation errors.


Is the method that was used to submit this form allowed?

If this form doesn’t have a request method set (i.e., if it was explicitly set to None), any method is valid. Otherwise, the method of the form submission must match the method required by this form.

validate(skip_csrf=False, assert_valid=False)[source]

Validate a form submission.

When assert_valid is False (the default), a bool will be returned to indicate whether the form was valid. (Note: this isn’t strictly true–a missing or bad CSRF token will result in a immediate 400 Bad Request response).

When assert_valid is True, certain conditions will be asserted. When an assertion fails, an AssertionError will be raised.

  • skip_csrf (bool) – if True, bypass the CSRF check
  • assert_valid (bool) – if True, assert validity instead of returning status

Validate that the CSRF token is correct.


class pyramid_uniform.Renderer(data, errors, name_prefix='', id_prefix='')[source]
checkbox(name, value='1', checked=False, label=None, id=<class 'webhelpers2.misc.NotGiven'>, **attrs)[source]

Return a checkbox tag.


Return a list of errors for the given field as a ul tag.


Return a list of errors for the given field.

file(name, value=None, id=<class 'webhelpers2.misc.NotGiven'>, **attrs)[source]

Return a file input tag.

hidden(name, value=None, id=<class 'webhelpers2.misc.NotGiven'>, **attrs)[source]

Return a hidden input tag.


Check if the given field has any validation errors.

password(name, value=None, id=<class 'webhelpers2.misc.NotGiven'>, **attrs)[source]

Return a password input tag.

radio(name, value=None, checked=False, label=None, **attrs)[source]

Return a radio button tag.

select(name, selected_values, options, id=<class 'webhelpers2.misc.NotGiven'>, **attrs)[source]

Return a select tag.

submit(name=None, value=None, id=<class 'webhelpers2.misc.NotGiven'>, **attrs)[source]

Return a submit button tag.

text(name, value=None, id=<class 'webhelpers2.misc.NotGiven'>, **attrs)[source]

Return a text input tag.

textarea(name, content='', id=<class 'webhelpers2.misc.NotGiven'>, **attrs)[source]

Return a textarea tag.

value(name, default=None)[source]

Return the value for the given field as supplied to the form.

class pyramid_uniform.FormRenderer(form, csrf_field='_authentication_token', name_prefix='', id_prefix='')[source]

Bases: pyramid_uniform.Renderer

Wraps a form to provide HTML rendering capability.

begin(url=None, skip_csrf=False, **attrs)[source]

Return a form opening tag.


Return a bare hidden input field containing the CSRF token and param name.


Return a hidden field containing the CSRF token, wrapped in an invisible div, so that it is valid HTML regardless of context.


Return a form closing tag.


exception pyramid_uniform.FormError(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Superclass for form-related errors.

exception pyramid_uniform.FormInvalid(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyramid_uniform.FormError

Raised when form data is used but the form is not valid.

exception pyramid_uniform.FormNotValidated(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyramid_uniform.FormError

Raised when form data is used before form has been validated: for example, when Form.bind() is called.